Truth or Dare Questions Over Text to Ask a Guy

• Truth: What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

– This question aims to dig deep into his vault of embarrassing moments, allowing for some hilarious and cringe-worthy anecdotes.

• Dare: Send a selfie of yourself making a funny face.

– Let’s bring out his inner goofball! This dare will surely make him contort his face in all sorts of ridiculous ways, resulting in laughter on both ends.

• Truth: Have you ever had a crush on one of your friends’ girlfriends?

– Time to spill the beans about any secret feelings he may have harbored towards someone close. Prepare for potential drama or awkwardness!

• Dare: Write and send a short poem about pizza.

– Poetry meets cheesy goodness! Challenge him to express his love for everyone’s favorite food through rhymes and verses. It might just be deliciously entertaining.

• Truth: What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?

– Dreams can get pretty bizarre, so let’s dive into the realm of subconscious absurdity. Get ready for tales involving flying unicorns, talking vegetables, or whatever else lurks within his imagination.

• Dare: Text your best friend an inside joke without any context.

– Nothing beats causing confusion between pals! By sending an inside joke with no explanation whatsoever, he’ll leave his friend scratching their head while we chuckle from afar.

• Truth: If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

– Unleash that mischievous side by asking him how he’d take advantage of invisibility. Will it involve pranks? Sneaking into restricted areas? The possibilities are endless!

• Dare: Sing or hum your favorite song and send me an audio recording of it.

– Let those vocal cords shine as he serenades us with either angelic melodies or hilariously off-key tunes. A little musical interlude never hurt anyone (except maybe our eardrums).

• Truth: Have you ever cheated in a game? If so, which one and why?

– Time to confess those moments of gaming betrayal! Whether it’s Monopoly or an intense video game showdown, we want the juicy details behind his questionable tactics.

• Dare: Take a screenshot of your current conversation with someone else and share it with me (without revealing their identity).

– Let’s peek into who he’s been chatting with lately. By requesting a screenshot without context, we’ll get a glimpse into his social circle while keeping things mysterious.

• Truth: What is something that scares you but also intrigues you at the same time?

– Delve into his deepest fears tinged with curiosity. Perhaps it involves heights, spiders, or even commitment – whatever sends shivers down his spine yet captivates him simultaneously!

• Dare : Do 10 push-ups right now wherever you are.

– It’s time for some impromptu exercise! Challenge him to drop everything and pump out ten push-ups on the spot. Who said truth or dare couldn’t be good for fitness?

• Truth: What is your biggest fear when it comes to relationships?

– Uncover any lingering anxieties he may have about matters of the heart. From trust issues to vulnerability concerns, let’s explore what makes this guy tick romantically.

• Dare: Send a voice message imitating your favorite celebrity.

– Get ready for some A-list impersonations! This dare will showcase his acting skills as he attempts to channel the voice and mannerisms of his beloved Hollywood icon.

• Truth: Have you ever had a crush on a teacher or professor?

– Ahh, forbidden love within academic walls! Discover if any educators sparked more than just intellectual curiosity in our daring gentleman during his school days.

• Dare: Text your ex and say, “I still think about you sometimes.”

– Brace yourself for potential chaos as he stirs up the past! By reaching out to an ex with a seemingly random confession, we’re bound to unleash some emotional turmoil.

• Truth: If you could trade lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why?

– Let’s indulge in fantasies of living another person’s life. Whether it’s a celebrity or simply someone he admires, this question will reveal his desires and aspirations.

• Dare: Take a screenshot of the last photo in your camera roll and send it to me.

– Prepare for photographic surprises as we delve into the depths of his phone gallery. From adorable pet pictures to embarrassing selfies, let’s see what snapshot awaits us!

• Truth: What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while under the influence of alcohol?

– Alcohol often leads to memorable (or rather forgettable) moments. We want him to spill all about his drunken escapades – from dancing on tables to singing karaoke off-key.

• Dare: Write and send an impromptu rap about something mundane like toothpaste or socks.

– Unleash his inner rapper by challenging him to freestyle lyrics about everyday objects that don’t typically inspire rhymes. Get ready for some unexpectedly creative verses!

• Truth: Have you ever lied to get out of trouble? Share one instance if yes.

– Time for confessions! This truth question aims at uncovering any devious schemes concocted when faced with sticky situations. Brace yourself for tales of cunning deception!

• Dare : Text your mom/dad saying that they’re grounded for no reason.

– Watch as chaos ensues within family dynamics! By tricking him into grounding his own parent without explanation, we’ll create humorous havoc sure to raise eyebrows.

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